Luke 10:17-24 What These Eyes Have Seen
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# What These Eyes Have Seen ## Luke 10:17-24 [Ryan Hutton]( "caption") >>> + "I've been at this **job**/ministry for 20yrs" + "I've **seen** it all" + ⇒ **trust** me, I'm an **expert** --- # Has **serving God** made me **proud**? --- After this the Lord appointed
**seventy-two** others
and sent them on **ahead of him**, two by two, into every **town** and place
where he himself was **about to go**. [Luke 10:1 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + run **ahead** of Christ + **prepare** the way for Him + proclaim: **kingdom of God** is near ****** [17](# "ref") The seventy-two returned with joy, saying,
“Lord, even the demons are subject to us
in your name!” [18](# "ref") And he said to them,
“I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. [Luke 10:17-24 (ESV) (p.1/5)](# "ref") ****** [19](# "ref") Behold, I have given you authority
to tread on serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy,
and nothing shall hurt you. [20](# "ref") Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this,
that the spirits are subject to you,
but rejoice that your names
are written in heaven.” [Luke 10:17-24 (ESV) (p.2/5)](# "ref") ****** [21](# "ref") In that same hour he rejoiced
in the Holy Spirit and said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
that you have hidden these things
from the wise and understanding
and revealed them to little children; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will. [Luke 10:17-24 (ESV) (p.3/5)](# "ref") ****** [22](# "ref") All things have been handed over to me
by my Father, and no one knows who the Son is
except the Father, or who the Father is except the Son
and anyone to whom the Son chooses
to reveal him.” [Luke 10:17-24 (ESV) (p.4/5)](# "ref") ****** [23](# "ref") Then turning to the disciples
he said privately,
“Blessed are the eyes that see what you see!
[24](# "ref") For I tell you that many prophets and kings
desired to see what you see, and did not see it,
and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.” [Luke 10:17-24 (ESV) (p.5/5)](# "ref") --- ## Luke 10:17-24 1. A. **Authority** of the *Father* [(v18)](# "ref") + B. **Given** Through the *Son* [(v19)](# "ref") + C. **Redeeming** His *Children* [(v20)](# "ref") 2. A. **Wisdom** of the *Father* [(v21)](# "ref") + B. **Revealed** by the *Son* [(v22)](# "ref") + C. **Blessing** His *Witnesses* [(v23-24)](# "ref") >>> --- The seventy-two returned with **joy**, saying,
“Lord, even the **demons** are subject to **us**
in **your** name!” [Luke 10:17 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + 1: amazement at power of **demons** + 2: **our** power, authority over them + 3: by invoking **Christ's** name --- ## Luke 10:17-24 1. A. **Authority of the Father** [(v18)](# "ref") + B. Given Through the Son [(v19)](# "ref") + C. Redeeming His Children [(v20)](# "ref") 2. A. Wisdom of the Father [(v21)](# "ref") + B. Revealed by the Son [(v22)](# "ref") + C. Blessing His Witnesses [(v23-24)](# "ref") >>> + turn the **focus** around: + **God** has all the authority + **Christ** grants us power over Satan + **we** are but helpless **babies** + **citizens** of heaven --- And he said to them,
“I saw Satan **fall** like lightning from heaven. [Luke 10:18 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + has been sinning since the **beginning** (1Jn3:8) + impf aspect: during **process** / progression + Christ was **there** when Satan fell + Father's **authority** over Satan/demons + so **of course** Jesus' name has authority + demons **tremble** before Him: --- When he **saw** Jesus, he **cried out** and fell down
before him and said with a loud voice, “What have **you** to do with **me**,
Jesus, Son of the **Most High God**?
I beg you, do not **torment** me.” [Luke 8:28 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + Most High: ultimate **authority** + Jesus as the Son **inherits** auth + doesn't want any **dealings** with Him + fears **torment** --- ## Luke 10:17-24 1. A. Authority of the Father [(v18)](# "ref") + B. **Given Through the Son** [(v19)](# "ref") + C. Redeeming His Children [(v20)](# "ref") 2. A. Wisdom of the Father [(v21)](# "ref") + B. Revealed by the Son [(v22)](# "ref") + C. Blessing His Witnesses [(v23-24)](# "ref") --- Behold, I have **given** you authority
to **tread** on **serpents** and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy,
and nothing shall hurt you. [Luke 10:19 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + authority **given**, not innate + tread on serpent: not killing snakes + represents the **power** of the enemy + **curse** on Satan/serpent in Gen 3: --- I will put **enmity** between you and the woman,
and between your offspring and her **offspring**; he shall bruise your **head**,
and you shall bruise his **heel**. [Genesis 3:15 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + **heel**: Christ's death + **head**: triumph over Satan --- Behold, I have given you authority
to tread on serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power of the **enemy**,
and nothing shall **hurt** you. [Luke 10:19 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + our **authority** is because **Christ** died + removing **penalty** of sin + **rose** triumphant over death + all the power of the **enemy** is nullified + *"hurt"*: wrong us, **injustice** + bc our Judge **justifies** us through faith + this is **awesome**, right? + Jesus makes us **superheroes**? + man named **Simon** thought so, in Ac8: --- Now when **Simon** saw that the **Spirit** was given
through the **laying on** of the apostles' hands,
he offered them **money**,
[19](# "ref") saying, “Give me this **power** also ..." [Acts 8:18-19 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + self-proclaimed **Great One** + wanted **power**, influence + "**magic** touch" + not a **power** that we **own** + **granted** by Christ + out of His **grace** + inheriting **authority** is ok, but + you know what's even **better**? --- ## Luke 10:17-24 1. A. Authority of the Father [(v18)](# "ref") + B. Given Through the Son [(v19)](# "ref") + C. **Redeeming His Children** [(v20)](# "ref") 2. A. Wisdom of the Father [(v21)](# "ref") + B. Revealed by the Son [(v22)](# "ref") + C. Blessing His Witnesses [(v23-24)](# "ref") --- Nevertheless, do **not** rejoice in this,
that the spirits are **subject** to you,
but rejoice that your **names**
are written in **heaven**.” [Luke 10:20 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + don't focus on **destroying** evil + focus on Christ's **salvation** + humbly remember we have been **forgiven** + written in **book of life** + city **register**: citizenship + **guest list** for wedding of the Lamb + **why** obey God? --- So you also, when you have **done**
all that you were **commanded**, say, ‘We are unworthy **servants**;
we have only done what was our **duty**.’ [Luke 17:10 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + simply our **duty** as His **servants** + not to gain **power** / recognition for ourselves + "look at how **holy** I am" --- For if I **preach** the gospel,
I have nothing to **boast** of,
for I am under **compulsion**;
for **woe** is me if I do not preach the gospel. [17](# "ref") For if I do this **voluntarily**,
I have a **reward**;
but if **against** my will,
I have a **stewardship** entrusted to me. [I Corinthians 9:16-17 (NASB)](# "ref") --- # Do I **rejoice** that my name is written in **heaven**? >>> + or take it for **granted**? + is it more important to me than having **power**? --- ## Luke 10:17-24 1. A. Authority of the Father [(v18)](# "ref") + B. Given Through the Son [(v19)](# "ref") + C. Redeeming His Children [(v20)](# "ref") 2. A. **Wisdom of the Father** [(v21)](# "ref") + B. Revealed by the Son [(v22)](# "ref") + C. Blessing His Witnesses [(v23-24)](# "ref") --- In that same hour he **rejoiced**
in the **Holy Spirit** and said, “I **thank** you, **Father**, Lord of heaven and earth,
... such was your gracious **will**. [Luke 10:21 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + **Trinity**: Son praise Father in HS + **rejoiced**: spring water **bubbling** up + **jump**, laugh, uncontainable emotion + **thank**: shared word, **confess**, agree + acknowledge as **right** + **will**: became deemed good before You + NIV: were **pleased** to do --- “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
that you have **hidden** these things
from the **wise** and understanding [Luke 10:21 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + **hidden** / **revealed**: sight + **wise** / **understanding**: insight, aptitude --- Has not God made **foolish**
the **wisdom** of the world? [21](# "ref") For since, in the wisdom of **God**,
the world did **not know** God through wisdom, it pleased God through the **folly**
of what we preach to save those who **believe**. [1 Corinthians 1:20-21 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + Jews look for signs of **power** / authority + Greeks look for **wisdom** / education + Christ **crucified**: power + wisdom of God --- “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
that you have hidden these things
from the wise and understanding
and **revealed** them to **little children** [Luke 10:21 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + nursing **babies**: dependent, incapable, trusting + Jesus sent 72 out at start of this chapter: --- Go your way; behold, I am **sending** you out
as **lambs** in the midst of **wolves** [Luke 10:3 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + just proclaiming, "**kingdom of God** is near" + sure to encounter **opposition** (wolves) + no **wallet**, no extra supplies + unequipped except for **grace** of God + as lambs, as **babies** + reliant on Father's **providence** --- ## Luke 10:17-24 1. A. Authority of the Father [(v18)](# "ref") + B. Given Through the Son [(v19)](# "ref") + C. Redeeming His Children [(v20)](# "ref") 2. A. Wisdom of the Father [(v21)](# "ref") + B. **Revealed by the Son** [(v22)](# "ref") + C. Blessing His Witnesses [(v23-24)](# "ref") --- All things have been **handed over** to me
by my Father, and no one knows who the **Son** is
except the **Father**, or **who the Father is** except the Son
and anyone to whom the Son **chooses**
to reveal him.” [Luke 10:22 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + our **authority** is given by Christ + Christ's **authority** given by Father + greatest **treasure**: to **know** God the Father + not **discovered** by effort / wisdom + but **revealed** by grace + *"chooses"*: **will**, agency, free-will + eternal **life** is not halos + wings + all-you-can-eat **ice cream** + Jesus told us what eternal life is: --- And this is **eternal life**:
that they know you, the **only true God**,
and **Jesus Christ** whom you have sent. [John 17:3 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + to **know** + be known: **relationship** + ultimate **authority** + **wisdom** + revealed in **Christ** --- ## Luke 10:17-24 1. A. Authority of the Father [(v18)](# "ref") + B. Given Through the Son [(v19)](# "ref") + C. Redeeming His Children [(v20)](# "ref") 2. A. Wisdom of the Father [(v21)](# "ref") + B. Revealed by the Son [(v22)](# "ref") + C. **Blessing His Witnesses** [(v23-24)](# "ref") --- Then turning to the **disciples**
he said privately,
“Blessed are the **eyes** that see what you **see**!
[24](# "ref") For I tell you that many **prophets** and **kings**
desired to **see** what you see, and did not see it,
and to **hear** what you hear, and did not hear it.” [Luke 10:23-24 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + blessed not bc our **eyes** are special + but bc of what they've **seen**: + glory of God the **Father** + revealed through **Christ** the Son --- That which was from the **beginning**,
which we have **heard**,
which we have **seen** with our eyes,
which we **looked** upon
and have **touched** with our hands,
concerning the **word of life** [I John 1:1 (ESV)](# "ref") >>> + personal, **experiential** knowledge + know it to be **true** + so we **testify** to it --- # Have I **witnessed** who God is? >>> + my **own** eyes/ears + not just hear **about** God + do I see this as **valuable** / precious? + **revealed** by Christ + then I must **testify** to it ---